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Volunteers and events training program

The Volunteers and Events Training Program has been developed to provide free training and study tours for volunteer and paid event organisers in disaster-affected communities. The aim of the program is to provide skills and build resilience, with a focus on helping the tourism industry to recover and prepare for the future.

Volunteers and Events Training Program

The Volunteers and Events Training Program is designed to help paid and unpaid volunteers and event organisers build event support skills to create and deliver events. The program is funded by the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements. Offered both online and face-to-face, the program covers three core topics:


The orientation module provides participants with information on their role in volunteering as well as a foundation in site safety and induction processes.


The resilience module provides an introduction to resilience concepts and a range of practical tips on how it can be established and supported.


The leadership module introduces a range of leadership styles and provides advice on how leadership can be applied in a team context.

Face-to-face training

Training is now taking place in person at a number of locations across North and Far North Queensland. Register your interest to attend one of our sessions.

Online training

A bespoke training program has been created to help paid and unpaid tourism event workers build their customer service, resilience and partnership skills. If face-to-face training isn't offered in your area, or doesn't fit around your work or family commitments, you can also choose to study the program online.  


Road to recovery

In early 2019 North Queensland experienced record-breaking flooding that devastated infrastructure, businesses, and residents. While the flooding had a severe immediate impact, the full effects of the disaster are set to affect individuals and industry for years to come. 

Previously a major contributor to the regional economy, the local tourism industry has reported a significant downturn following the disaster, leaving many residents without work or income.

Study tours

Two study tours involving 15 participants are planned to enable tourism industry workers to attend a major event to learn from leaders in hospitality and tourism across the state.


Twelve scholarships of $5,000 each have been provided for residents of 39 eligible Local Government Areas towards studying one of six courses from Semester 1, 2020.

Applications for the current round of scholarships have now closed.

Study your way

Choose the study option that suits you. If you prefer to study in your own time and at your own pace then take advantage of our online study option. Or if you prefer to attend in person, you can check out our upcoming face-to-face sessions and complete your application below.


Online sessions

OrientationTuesday 18 November5.30pm - 6.30pm
LeadershipTuesday 30 November5.30pm - 6.30pm
ResilienceTuesday 7 December5.30pm - 6.30pm

Face-to-face sessions

CairnsMonday 22 November4pm - 7pmCairns Campus
Cassowary CoastTuesday 23 November4pm - 7pmInnisfail
HinchinbrookWednesday 24 November4pm - 7pmIngham
TownsvilleThursday 25 November4pm - 7pmPimlico Campus

Apply for training

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