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Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance

Kick start your career in the health sector with this mid-level course that will qualify you to work as an assistant allied health specialist in a diverse range of settings.

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Course overview

Begin your career in the health sector with this mid-level qualification. This course is perfect for people looking to gain a broad overview of the healthcare system as well as knowledge unique to allied health specialities. The sector is undergoing strong job growth in Australia with more than 50,000 jobs expected to open in the next five years.

This course will give you the practical skills and knowledge to recognise healthy body systems, interpret and apply medical terminology, and assist in the rehabilitation of clients. Students can choose to undertake general electives or specialise in physiotherapy and/or occupational therapy. Our highly-experienced teaching staff are leaders in their field and will give you the guidance needed to succeed in your studies.

This course will qualify you to work as an assistant in your specialised allied health stream or give you the skills to undertake further studies in your field.

What can I do?

  • Therapy Assistant
  • Physiotherapy Assistant
  • Occupational Therapy Assistant
  • Allied Health Assistant

Course outcome:

HLT43015 Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance

Double your skills

Students studying on the Gold Coast have the option to study a dual specialisation in both physiotherapy and occupational therapy. Double your skills and career prospects by specialising in these two high-growth areas. 

What you will study

The successful achievement of this qualification requires you to complete all core and 9 elective units from the list below. You will also be required to undertake 120 hours of vocational placement in an approved setting. 


  • CHCCOM005
    Communicate and work in health or community services
    Unit description :

    This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to communicate effectively with clients, colleagues, management and other industry providers.

  • Communicate and work in health or community services

  • CHCDIV001
    Work with diverse people
    Unit description :

    This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work respectfully with people from diverse social and cultural groups and situations, including Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.

  • Work with diverse people

  • CHCLEG003
    Manage legal and ethical compliance
    Unit description :

    This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to research information about compliance and ethical practice responsibilities, and then develop and monitor policies and procedures to meet those responsibilities.

  • Manage legal and ethical compliance

  • HLTAAP001
    Recognise healthy body systems
    Unit description :

    This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work with basic information about the human body and to recognise and promote ways to maintain healthy functioning of the body.

  • Recognise healthy body systems

  • HLTAAP002
    Confirm physical health status
    Unit description :

    This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to obtain and interpret information about client health status and to check a client's physical health. It requires a detailed knowledge of anatomy and physiology.

  • Confirm physical health status

  • HLTWHS002
    Follow safe work practices for direct client care
    Unit description :

    This unit describes the skills and knowledge required for a worker to participate in safe work practices to ensure their own health and safety, and that of others in work environments that involve caring directly for clients. It has a focus on maintaining safety of the worker, the people being supported and other community members.

  • Follow safe work practices for direct client care

  • BSBMED301
    Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately
    Unit description :

    This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to understand and respond to instructions; to carry out routine tasks and communicate with a range of internal/external clients in a medical environment; as well as use appropriate medical terminology.

  • Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately

Ways to study

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Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance (HLT43015)

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Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance

Payment Options

How can I pay for this course?

No matter what your circumstances, TAFE Queensland has a payment option to suit you. If you are unsure of what’s right for you, get in touch. We’re here to help. 

See if you qualify for a subsidy

No matter what your circumstances, TAFE Queensland has a payment option to suit you. If you are unsure of what’s right for you, get in touch. We’re here to help. 

Payment plan

If you have difficulty paying for the full cost of a course upfront, you may be eligible for a payment plan.

Learn more
Upfront payment

This may be the full fee for the course, or the student contribution amount if you are eligible for a subsidy or concession.

Learn more

Entry requirements

Selection criteria

It is highly recommended that students are aged 18 or older by the course commencement date or applicants should have language, literacy and numeracy skills equivalent to Year 10.

Be prepared to participate in the required 120 hours of vocational placement and hold the necessary mandatory documentation (see Placement below).

Be able to attend the required Residential School / practical skills learning sessions and complete various physical tasks associated with assisting with delivering allied health care.

Applicants should also possess computer skills including being able to operate a personal computer and printer, create and manage basic files, navigate a learning management system, perform basic tasks such as word processing, sending and receiving emails with attachments, uploading and downloading documents and using web based search engines.

Resources required

It is recommended that you have access to a reliable internet connection to access TAFE Queensland's online learning system Connect, and a computer with up-to-date software, including Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat Reader. This equipment and software is available for use at all TAFE Queensland locations.

You will be provided with a recommended reading list and/or required textbooks during orientation or at the start of each unit. The purchase of these resources may incur additional costs, or you may be able to borrow them from the TAFE Queensland library network.

You may also be required to purchase uniform items, including TAFE Queensland branded items. These details will be provided after enrolment or during orientation. The purchase of these uniform items may incur additional costs of approximately $35.00.


National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
This course now requires you to obtain a NDIS Worker Screening Check to be eligible to attend the vocational placement assessment component of your studies.

You are to apply for this NDIS Worker Screening Check once enrolled as TAFE Queensland will need to verify your application as a student.

You are required to complete 120 hours of placement to satisfy this component of your qualification. Completing placement is compulsory, and you will be expected to manage family and work commitments in order to complete your shifts.

Working under the supervision of  an Allied Health professional, or a suitably qualified Allied Health Assistant, you may be exposed to job tasks and assist in the execution of programs for patients to meet their various allied health goals including, but not limited to:

  • Shower retraining
  • Splinting
  • Activities of Daily Living (ADL) equipment application or education
  • Group Therapy programs – such as ADL, Hip or Knee classes, cardiac group, hydrotherapy
  • Individual Therapy programs – such as Lower Limb and or Upper Limb strengthening and or stretching goals, walking/gait retraining exercises
  • Therapy for Stroke and Parkinson patients, Acquired Brain Injury patients, trauma, acute and slow stream rehabilitation
  • Home visits
  • Community outings
  • Other non-clinical tasks related to the delivery of allied health client care

Some TAFE Queensland locations offer vocational placement services.  For further vocational placement information, please refer to your intended study location or contact our customer service team. If you are actively employed or volunteering in the allied health industry in a health care environment, please discuss your placement requirements with the Vocational Placement Team at your course location.

Routinely, placement will be in a full-time block of 40 hours per week for three weeks.

  • Shifts are determined by your placement facility; these may include early mornings or late nights, any day of the week, and public holidays. Shifts may commence as early as 6.00am and late shifts finish at approximately 11.30pm. Night shifts are routinely between 9pm and 7am.
  • Please expect to travel within a 45 to 60 minute radius of your local area, as per Google maps, to attend vocational placement.  If you reside outside of your course location, your placement will be managed on an individual basis, dependent upon your location. Placement availability for could require personal travel and accommodation arrangements.

Mandatory Placement Documents:
Before placement can be allocated, the following documentation must be provided to your course location.

You will be responsible for any costs associated with meeting these placement requirements.

Additional documentation may be requested by placement facilities.

  1. Current Australian First Aid Certificate including current CPR
    If you hold a current Australian First Aid Certificate with current CPR (updated annually), please include a JP certified copy of your Statement of Attainment with your enrolment paperwork. The CPR component will need to be updated annually and it is your responsibility to ensure you provide evidence of currency to TAFE Queensland.

    If you DO NOT have a current Australian First Aid Certificate, some TAFE Queensland locations deliver this unit as part of this course.  If your chosen location does not offer this unit as part of the course please refer to your intended study location or contact our customer service team for further information on how to complete this unit. 

  2. Working with Children
    Queensland Students - The Working with Children Check (Blue Card Application) must be completed in person for students who live less than 50 km from a TAFE Queensland location. Information can be viewed at

    All original identification documents need to be sighted and students are requested to bring these documents with them for submission of their application.  If a student resides more than 50 km from TAFE Queensland location, then the ‘Confirmation of Identity’ form must be submitted with the Blue Card application.  Students may submit this by email or in person.

    Interstate students – Please contact the Vocational Placement Coordinator at your course location for any individual State legislative requirements for working with children.

    Please note: TAFE Queensland wishes to warn you, as a Blue Card applicant, that it is an offence for a disqualified person to sign a Blue Card application.  For further information regarding 'disqualified' persons, please contact Blue Card Services.

  3. Australian Federal Police (AFP) Check
    You must be able to provide an original Australian Federal Police check on request of a placement facility at any time.

    Please contact the Vocational Placement Coordinator at your course location should you have any notification or criminal history appearing on your certificate as this may impact on your acceptance by facilities for placement and therefore affect course outcomes.

    Please refer to the Australian Federal Police website to download the application form at  Approximate cost $45.

    The Police Check MUST be issued by the Australian Federal Police.  All other types of police checks will not be accepted.  Current AFP documentation must be no older than 3 months prior to the start of study and when completing the application.  Under Section 8: Purpose of Check – please select Code Number 37

TAFE Queensland strongly recommends that prior to enrolment you consider your eligibility to obtain the placement documentation including the following Immunisation Documents.

It is your responsibility to ensure your placement documentation remains current throughout your studies.​

Vaccination requirements 
COVID-19 vaccination requirements across a range of high-risk settings have eased. There are no Public Health Directions in affect requiring you to be vaccinated in high risk settings. However, decisions on mandatory vaccinations will be made by the owner or operator of these settings. Some facilities may also mandate the number of vaccinations required. These requirements will be provided to the student, prior to arrangements being made for the completion of vocational placement.

Students who are not up-to-date with their COVID-19 vaccinations will be ineligible for placement at a Queensland Health Facility. However, they may still have the opportunity to complete their placement at another organisation that does not mandate vaccinations. It's important for students to be aware that the availability of facilities/organisations without vaccination requirements may be limited, and this could potentially affect their ability to fulfil the placement requirements of the course.

You must have commenced the vaccination regimes listed below before or at the time of enrolment.  You must provide full vaccination history for all of the following vaccination regimes, including serology evidence of immunity where indicated. You may also need to contact your local doctor to assist you with this evidence.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Vaccination and serology evidence requirements may alter during your studies, in accordance with changes to industry requirements and/or Australian Immunisation Guidelines.

Any costs associated in acquiring the placement documentation are in addition to course costs and will be borne by the student.

  • Up to date COVID-19 Vaccination
  • Hepatitis B - you must commence or have undertaken an age appropriate course of vaccination.  Students must not undertake an accelerated course of vaccination. To prove immunity you will need to have a blood test (serology) after the completion of the full vaccination course.
  • Varicella (Chicken Pox) - provide serology or evidence of completed vaccinations.
  • MMR (Measles Mumps and Rubella) - provide serology or evidence of completed vaccinations.
  • dTpa (Adult Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis) - provide evidence that you have received a booster within the last 10 years.
  • Influenza Vaccination: Annual vaccination

Important information

Those students who have a medical contraindication may be unable to complete the vocational placement component of their course. This means you may not be able to meet all of the requirements of your course and may not be able to graduate or receive your qualification.

Transition statement

Replacement qualification
This qualification has been replaced by HLT43021 - Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance, as of 24 November 2022. A transition period applies to enable current students to complete their study. The transition period finishes on 31 December 2024. 

Assessment methods

Skill and knowledge assessments are an essential step in progressing through your course. You may be assessed in a number of ways while you are studying at TAFE Queensland, including observation, written assessment, questioning, portfolios, work samples, third-party feedback, and through recognition of prior learning. Read more about assessment methods.


University pathways

If you want to go on to further study at university, TAFE Queensland has a pathway option to get you there. In many cases, completing one of our diplomas may give you a full year of credit towards a degree with one of our partner universities.

Learn more about University Pathways

  • James Cook University
  • Southern Cross University
  • University of Canberra
  • Griffith University
  • Queensland University of Technology
  • University of Southern Queensland

How to apply

Direct application

If you're ready to get started, simply hit the Apply Now button on your preferred course information page and get your application underway online. 

Course disclaimer

All information was accurate at time of publication, however TAFE policies, tuition fees and course content is subject to change without notice. Course commencement is dependent on sufficient enrolment numbers. Timetable information is subject to change prior to commencement and/or during the duration of your course.

Prior Experience

I already have an experience, can i get credit?

Fastrack your way to formal education by earning credit for the things you already know.

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