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7. Student fees

What you need to know

TAFE Queensland student fees consist of three separate types of fees:

  1. Tuition Fees
  2. Service Fees; and
  3. Additional fees

Tuition Fees

Tuition Fees are for your participation in education and training, and include:

  1. Fee for service tuition fees (fees are full price); and
  2. Government subsidised tuition fees (fees are less than full price, with the government paying some of the cost of training).

Service Fees

Service Fees are for prescribed administrative services (including documents and records fees, special assessment fees, administration fees, and international fees). Refer to the Student Fee Schedule for more information.

Additional Fees

Additional Fees are for additional activities, goods, and services related to your education and training (including consumables and materials, clothing, certificates and licenses, vaccinations, excursions and field trips, and other goods, materials, and services).

What What you need to know

Payment due dates

You must pay Tuition Fees when you enrol, unless you have other arrangements in place (e.g. A Payment Plan).

If you are an International student, you must pay Tuition Fees as they are set out in your Letter of Offer.

Payment methods

TAFE Queensland may accept payment of your student fees via the following methods:

  2. Credit card (Visa or MasterCard only)
  3. Direct debit
  4. BPay, APay, and PayPal
  5. Cash – only available at selected locations. Contact us to see if your campus accepts cash. 
  6. Telegraphic transfer; and
  7. Personal cheque, bank cheque, or money order (payable to 'TAFE Queensland')

Check with the TAFE Queensland region you are enrolling with to see which payment methods are accepted.

What you need to know

Payment plans

If you are an eligible domestic student, TAFE Queensland will provide the option for deferred payment of Tuition Fees through a Payment Plan.

Payment Plans are for eligible students who demonstrate that they are unable to pay their fees in full at the time of enrolment, but also demonstrate their ability to repay the fees via instalments.

The eligibility requirements for Payment Plans are:

  1. The Tuition Fees for your program are $500 or greater;
  2. You are a domestic student and 18 years of age or older, or if under 18 years of age have an appropriate guarantor who is over the age of 18 years;
  3. You are not a FEE-HELP eligible student;
  4. You are eligible for a VET Student Loan and applying for a Payment Plan for the fees over the prescribed capped amount for the qualification;
  5. You have no outstanding debt with TAFE Queensland; and
  6. You have the financial capacity to meet the Payment Plan instalments.

To apply for a Payment Plan you will need to fill out a Payment Plan Application at the point of enrolment and prior to the first start of study date for the relevant qualification or unit/s of competency.

If you are successful in your Payment Plan application, you will be required to sign a Payment Plan Contract (which includes all the terms and conditions for the Payment Plan).

Please note, if you are eligible for a VET Student Loan and are accessing a Payment Plan for the fees over the prescribed capped amount for the qualification:

  1. You will repay the fees across the duration of your program; and
  2. If you withdraw on or before the Census date, the Payment Plan will be cancelled without penalty to you, and you will be eligible for a student refund if you have commenced payments.

FEE-HELP and VET Student Loans:

For eligible qualifications, TAFE Queensland will offer students the ability to access FEE-HELP and VET Student Loans.

FEE-HELP loans will enable you to select an option of:

  1. Deferring all Tuition Fees; or
  2. Paying a proportion of Tuition Fees up-front, and paying the rest of the Tuition Fees at a later date.

VET Student Loans will enable you to select an option of:

  1. Deferring Tuition Fees up to the capped amount; or
  2. Paying a proportion of Tuition Fees up-front, and paying the rest of the Tuition Fees up to the capped amount at a later date.

Maximum loan caps apply for qualifications under VET Student Loans. If you are required to repeat a unit, your Tuition Fees for repeated unit/s will only be deferred under the VET Student Loan scheme in cases where the prescribed capped amount for the qualification has not been reached through units undertaken the first time.

  1. For VET Student Loans, for all Tuition Fees in excess of the prescribed capped amount for the qualification TAFE Queensland makes available to eligible students the option of:Upfront payment; or
  2. Deferred payment with TAFE Queensland via a Payment Plan.

What you need to know


TAFE Queensland expects Tuition Fees to be paid at enrolment, or under the conditions outlined in the Payment Plan.

If you don't pay Tuition Fees at enrolment or in accordance with your Payment Plan you may be prevented from undertaking education and training activities.

TAFE Queensland may refer outstanding Tuition Fees to an appropriate debt collection agency in cases where payment has not been received by the relevant due date, which may also result in additional costs.

What you need to know


If you are undertaking government-subsidised qualifications, TAFE Queensland may offer you a fee concession, for Tuition Fees, providing you meet the eligibility requirements.

Fee concessions must be applied for and approved as you enrol.


If you are provided with an approved scholarship, you will be able to use it to pay for your Tuition Fees or Service Fees, or TAFE Queensland will give you the appropriate Tuition Fee or Service Fee reduction.

Further information

If you are still having difficulty meeting your fee obligations, contact us.

Useful Forms:

Student Fee Schedule

Payment Plan Application