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12. Academic progression

What You Need to Know

You are expected to meet all of the academic progression requirements for your education and training with TAFE Queensland.

This means you are required to:

  • Meet all of your attendance obligations for each unit;
  • Submit and undertake all assessment on time; and
  • Complete all the requirements for the unit within the prescribed study period.

What You Need to Know

Informal Intervention

If you are having difficulties in managing satisfactory academic progression, you should be proactive and discuss the matter with your teachers.

  • Discussing issues with your teacher, or a counsellor/AccessAbility support officer; and
  • Negotiating any required changes to your enrolment (for example undertaking a reduced study load).

TAFE Queensland will also monitor your academic progression. If you are identified as being at risk of unsuccessful academic progression, TAFE Queensland will discuss with you your options to improve your performance. You will be identified as being at risk in cases of:

  • Failure to submit assessment tasks;
  • Unsuccessful completion of assessment tasks;
  • Failure to participate in required course activities, including online learning; 
  • Non-attendance;
  • For apprentices and trainees, not completing the Training Record Book and/or Training Plan;
  • For work integrated learning, failure to participate in vocational placement, professional practice, or work based projects; and
  • For Higher Education students:
    • Failure to achieve a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 (or higher) in any given study period;
    • For clinical practice, failure to attend mandatory practicum sessions or repeated absences, late arrivals and early departures from clinical practicums sessions;
    • Receiving a failing grade overall, in a unit which they have previously failed in any given study period;  
    • Failing to meet the course completion requirements within the relevant completion time limits; or
    • Not successfully completing at least 50% of the course requirements within the study period i.e. the semester or term, depending on the program of study.

Formal Intervention

If you continue to demonstrate unsuccessful academic progression, TAFE Queensland will introduce more formal intervention strategies, including:

  • A formal meeting between TAFE Queensland, you, and other relevant stakeholders to discuss formal intervention strategies to be put in place; and
  • A Student Intervention Plan, detailing how academic progression will be managed through these formal intervention strategies

Note that under legislation and funding agreements, TAFE Queensland will also be obligated to report academic progression issues to your parents/guardians (if you are under 18 years of age), your school (if you are enrolled in secondary school), your employer (if you are an apprentice or trainee), and other relevant government agencies (e.g. the commonwealth Department of Home Affairs – Immigration for international students, the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training for User Choice students).

What You Need to Know

If you cannot reasonably complete your study within the expected duration (as specified in your Training Plan for Apprenticeships and Traineeships, and your Confirmation of Enrolment for international students), TAFE Queensland may grant an extension of study based on compassionate or compelling circumstances.

Any request for an extension to the close of study date for a unit must be made in writing to the regional General Manager at least 48 hours prior to the close of study date. An original signed doctor's certificate (or other documentary evidence) must be provided to support the request.

What You Need to Know

If you have a continued pattern of failing to achieve satisfactory academic progression and/or the agreed actions in your Student Intervention Plan, you will be subject to disciplinary action and penalties, including:

  • Continuing your enrolment with a subsequent Student Intervention Plan put in place, along with further monitoring arrangements; and
  • Cancelling your enrolment

What You Need to Know

International Students

International students who do not achieve satisfactory academic progression may be reported to the Department of Home Affairs – Immigration for unsatisfactory course progress.

International students will also be considered as failing to progress and will have their enrolment cancelled and be reported to the Department of Home Affairs - Immigration in cases where the student is not going to complete within the original course duration, and:

  • Fails to respond to at least two attempts to arrange a formal meeting;
  • Fails to attend a scheduled formal meeting and does not provide evidence to support the absence; or
  • Fails to sign the Student Intervention Plan provided to them.

This reporting may impact the status of your student visa.


Higher Education Students

Time for Higher Education Course Completion

Domestic higher education students are required to complete their course within certain time limits:

  • 2 Year Associate Degree students have a maximum time for completion of 5 years regardless of study mode; and
  • 3 Year Bachelor Degree students have a maximum time for completion of 8 years regardless of study mode.

This incorporates all assessable components including, for example, professional practice.

Higher Education Probations

If you have a semester Grade Point Average (GPA) of less than 3.0 at the end of a semester and/or are awarded a failing grade in a unit which you have previously failed in your current program of study you will be placed on probation for the following semester.

Your enrolment in that semester will be determined by TAFE Queensland, and may include a restricted number of units. You will also be provided with advice to identify how you may access assistance to improve your academic performance. We will notify you in writing of your probation.

The outcome of being placed on probation is dependent on your performance in the subsequent semester. You may have:

  • Probation rescinded; or
  • Probation extended for an additional probationary period; or
  • Probation progressed to exclusion.

Higher Education Exclusions

You are liable for exclusion if you:

  • Fail the same required unit more than twice; and/or
  • Have a semester grade point average (GPA) of less than 3.0 in two consecutive semesters of your study in the course; or
  • Exceed time limits for the completion of your course.

If you are excluded, you are not permitted to attend classes or undertake study in the qualification from which you were excluded, or re-enrol in the same qualification for at least two standard semesters. We will notify you in writing of your exclusion.